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COULDA. WOULDA. SH | 46 | Coulda. Woulda. Shoulda. Didna.. | Anon | Atlantic Monthly | Regrets |
IF YOU SIT DOWN AT | 47 | If you sit down at a poker table, and you don't see a sucker, get up. You're the sucker. | Anon | Unknown | Gambling |
ANYTHING THE MIND C | 48 | Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. | Anon | Unknown | Achievement |
IF SOMEONE WOULD HA | 49 | If someone would have told me that I would be Pope one day, I would have studied harder. | Pope John Paul I | Unknown | Achievement |
POTENTIAL IS A FREN | 50 | Potential is a french word which means you ain't worth a damn yet. | Jeff Van Note | Atlanta Falcons football player | Achievement |
WHEN IT IS DARK ENO | 96 | When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. | Anon | Unknown | Hope |
HOUSEGUESTS ARE LIK | 97 | Houseguests are like fish. After three days they begin to stink. | Anon | Unknown | Guests |
NEVER BE WORRIED WH | 98 | Never be worried when your guests are going to be seated. Be worried when they will stand up to leave. | Russian proverb | Unknown | Guests |
AS A MAN IS SO HE S | 99 | As a man is, so he sees. As the eye is formed, such are its Powers. | William Blake | Unknown | Human Nature |
MY FATHER TOLD ME S | 100 | My father told me something I've never forgotten. You've got two forces in life that control everything. Just two. The Profit Motive and Human Values. Sometimes they run together, but mostly it's war. Pick your side early, my father said, and stick with it. And by the way, my father said, remember this: the Profit Motive always wins. | William Boyd | The New Confessions | Human Nature |
TO SUCCEED THE MOST | 1 | To succeed, the most important thing is not to know that you can do something, but to NOT know that you can't. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Success |
CE QUI SE CONCOIT B | 2 | Ce qui se concoit bien, s'annonce clairement. | Anon | Alex Kidney | Planning |
EVEN A STOPPED CLOC | 3 | Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. | Rudyard Kipling | The TIMES | Ability |
MOTIVATION IS WHAT | 560 | Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. | Unknown | DEP | Motivation |
LISTEN TO THE MUSTN | 5 | Listen to the mustn'ts. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me�.Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. | Shel Silverstein | Unknown | Achievement |
A WITTY SAYING PROV | 6 | A witty saying proves nothing. | Voltaire | Unknown | Wit |
MOST MEN HAVE TWIN | 7 | Most men have twin gods: Mammon and Mammaries. | Victor Lewis-Smith | Evening Standard | Men |
MAN CAN BE KIND. MA | 8 | Man can be kind. Mankind cannot. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Man |
IN LIFE THERE ARE T | 9 | In life there are two types of people who rise to the top: cream and pond scum. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Life |
LIFE MUST BE REMEMB | 10 | Life must be remembered backwards but lived forwards. | Kirkegard | Unknown | Life |
LIFE IS WHAT HAPPEN | 11 | Life is what happens to you when you are making other plans. | John Lennon | quoted by David Mellor in the House of commons | Life |
MIDWAY ON OUR LIFE' | 12 | Midway on our life's journey I found myself in dark woods. | Dante | The Inferno | Life |
NEVER EAT AT A PLAC | 13 | Never eat at a place called Mom's. Never play cards with a man named Doc. Never have an affair with someone who has more problems than you do. | Nelson Ahlgren | International Herald Tribune | Life |
SO MUCH OF LIFE IS | 14 | So much of life is will. | Scott Turow | Unknown | Life |
START SMALL. THINK | 15 | Start small. Think Big. Aim for perfect; get good. Think of others. Be yourself. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Philosophy of Life |
THE DIFFERENCE IN L | 16 | The difference in life between I guess and I know
Is one that can twist mind and gut
For rarely's the answer a clear Yes or No
But those maddening words:
Maybe, but...� | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Life |
THE HARDEST LESSON | 17 | The hardest lesson in life to learn
Is which bridge to cross and which to burn. | David Russell | Unknown | Life |
THE GREATEST TEMPTA | 18 | The greatest temptation in life is to settle for too little. | Thomas Merton | Unknown | Life |
THE WORLD EXISTS.IT | 19 | The world exists.It is not yourself. Plunge in it for healing, blessed exhaustion, and the risk of warmth. | Reynolds Price | Forward to a collection of short stories. | Life |
THIS IS DEDICATED T | 20 | This is dedicated to those who are growing, those who are getting by, and those who are hanging on for dear life. | Toni Childs | Album Cover | Life |
THIS IS ONE OF THOS | 21 | This is one of those days when you feel like a spitvalve on the trombone of life. | Carl Hiaasen | Double Whammy | Life |
WE DO NOT SEE THING | 22 | We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are. | Anais Nin | Unknown | Perspective |
WITHOUT PURPOSE THE | 23 | Without purpose there is no meaning.
Without meaning there is no hope.
Without hope there is no struggle.
Without struggle there can be no betterment. | Bill Bradley | Paraphrased from a speech quoted in Harpers | Hope |
YESTERDAY'S DEAD AN | 24 | Yesterday's dead and tomorrow's blind.
So I live one day at a time. | Anon | Country Music song | Life |
YOU'VE LED US TO CO | 25 | You've led us to cool waters
From which we drink and draw peace of mind
You've given us a bountiful harvest
From which we eat and draw strength
You've made us a strong family
From which we draw our past and our future
You've guided us away from the temptation of evil
From which we draw our comfort and our salvation.
For these and all the other blessings of this life we give thanks in your name. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Thanks |
THE SPIRIT IS LIKE | 26 | The spirit is like the blowing of the wind; you can hear its noise but you have no idea from whence it came nor where it is heading. | John:2:25 | Bible | Life |
YOU HAVE TWO EARS A | 27 | You have two ears and a mouth. They should be used in roughly those proportions. | Anon | Unknown | Listening |
I HAVE LOVED HOURS | 28 | I have loved hours at sea, grey cities
The fragile secret of a flower
Music, the making of a poem
That gave me heaven for an hour
First stars above a snowy hill,
Voices of people kindly and wise
And the great look of love, long hidden,
Found at last in meeting eyes. | Sara Teasdale | Poem | Love |
MANY A MAN HAS FALL | 29 | Many a man has fallen in love in a light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it. | Maurice Chevalier | Unknown | Love |
PEOPLE FALL IN LOVE | 30 | People fall in love at the moments in life when they are most terrorised by possibilities. | Adam Phillips | Unknown | Love |
I DO NOT KNOW HOW T | 31 | I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I do know how the Fourth will: with sticks and stones. | Albert Einstein | Article in Harper's Magazine | War |
IT WOULD BE A SAD S | 32 | It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside. | Albert Einstein | Harper's Magazine | Appearances |
THE MOST DIFFICULT | 33 | The most difficult secret for a man to keep is his own opinion of himself. | Maurice Pagnol | Unknown | Self |
IF A MAN TALKS IN T | 34 | If a man talks in the forest,/And no woman hears him�./Is he still wrong? | Scott DeLucia | Unknown | Men and Women |
STRENGTHENING CHARA | 35 | Strengthening character is like making a cup of tea. The longer you are in hot water, the stronger you become. | Pat Cash | TV Interview | Character |
ALWAYS LOOK OUT FOR | 36 | Always look out for the downside because the upside takes care of itself. | Sir James Goldsmith | The Independent | Life |
WHEN YOUR TIME COME | 37 | When your time comes to pass on some day
The only things you can keep
Are what you gave away. | Harvey Penick | The little Red Book | Charity |
THIS IS A DELIGHTFU | 38 | This is a delightful party, but it is best to dance near the door. | Michael Harkins | International Herald Tribune | The Stock Market |
COMPANIES SHOULD TH | 39 | Companies should think less about the cost of their employees and more about the value of the people they invest in. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | People |
A MAN ALWAYS HAS TW | 40 | A man always has two reasons for what he does--a good reason and the real reason. | J.P.Morgan | Unknown | Men |
A POT ON THE BOIL A | 41 | A pot on the boil all the time will soon run dry. | Old proverb | Unknown | Effort |
HE DOESN'T KNOW THE | 42 | He doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. In fact, I just saw his grades, and he doesn't know the meaning of a lot of words. | Bobby Bowden | Press Conference | Football Players |
MARRY FOR MONEY AND | 43 | Marry for money, and you'll spend the rest of your life earning it. | A mother's advice | Unknown | Marriage |
THERE ARE PLENTY OF | 44 | There are plenty of fish in the ocean, but look out for the sharks. | A mother's advice | Unknown | The Opposite Sex |
FIRST YOU SINK INTO | 45 | First you sink into his arms; later you'll find your arms in his sink. | Anon | Unknown | Marriage |
WHERE PEOPLE GO POL | 146 | Where people go, politics follow. | Bruce Sterling | Unknown | Politics |
THE LINE BETWEEN HU | 147 | The line between hunger and anger is a thin line. | John Steinbeck | The Grapes of Wrath | Poverty |
WHOM THE GODS WOULD | 148 | Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. | Anon | Unknown | Power |
IN A WORLD WHERE NO | 149 | In a world where nobody is sure of anything, impertinence rules. | Anon | Unknown | Power |
PUTTING OUT A NEWSP | 150 | Putting out a newspaper without promotion is like winking at a girl in the dark: well-intentioned but ineffective. | William Randolph Hearst | Unknown | Promotion |
YOU MUST BE IMPATIE | 51 | You must be impatient enough to get the job done, and patient enough to do it right the first time. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Achievement |
AFTER ALL IS SAID A | 52 | After all is said and done, a lot more will be said than done. | David Mullins | The Federal Reserve news | Achievement |
ENTRE LES PAROLES E | 53 | Entre les paroles et l'action il y a quinze kilometres et dix ans. | Jean Jacques Rousseau | Haitian Taxi Driver | Action |
IT IS A WISE MAN WH | 54 | It is a wise man who sets his goals high; it is a fool who dreams of things he cannot have. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Ambition |
EVERY ACT OF CREATI | 55 | Every act of creation is above all an act of destruction. | Pablo Picasso | Unknown | Art |
ADVERSITY IS A TEMP | 56 | Adversity is a temporary thing; a good attitude lasts a lifetime. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Attitude |
IF YOU'VE GOT YOURS | 57 | If you've got yourself into a hole, you'd better stop digging. | John Harvey Jones | Unknown | Bad Situations |
PUT ALL YOUR WOOD B | 58 | Put all your wood behind one arrowhead. | Scott McNeally | President of Sun Microsystems | Commitment |
ONLY IN THE RATRACE | 59 | Only in the ratrace of the arena can the heart learn to beat. | Rainer Rilke | Unknown | Competition |
IT IS BEST TO WIN W | 60 | It is best to win without fighting. | Sun Tzu | Unknown | Conflict |
A PLAN IS ONLY VALI | 61 | A plan is only valid until your opponent makes his first move. | Count Molke | Unknown | Conflict |
THERE AIN'T NOTHING | 62 | There ain't nothing in the middle of the road except yellow lines and dead armadillos. | Jim Hightower | Texas Senator | Conservatism |
NEVER WRITE A WORD | 63 | Never write a word unless the not writing of it drives you crazy. | F.Scott Fitzgerald | Unknown | Creativity |
IF YOUR EFFORTS ARE | 64 | If your efforts are criticized, you must have done something worthwhile. | Anon | Unknown | Criticism |
ANY JACK*** CAN KIC | 65 | Any jack*** can kick down a barn; it takes a carpenter to build one. | Sam Rayburn | US Senator | Criticism |
ON A FINE DAY THE E | 66 | On a fine day the English climate is like looking up a chimney; on a foul day, it is like looking down one. | Anon | Unknown | England |
LE CIEL EST TROP BA | 67 | Le ciel est trop bas dans ce pays. | Jean the French restaurant owner | Le Provence, Kew | England |
THERE ARE ONLY TWO | 68 | There are only two things I don't like about her: her face. | Anon | Unknown | Liars |
I CAN'T BELIEVE OUT | 69 | I can't believe out of 100 million sperm yours was the quickest. | Steven Pearl | Unknown | Insults |
WHAT HE LACKS IN IN | 70 | What he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for in stupidity. | Anon | Unknown | Stupidity |
IF YOU SEE A SNAKE | 71 | If you see a snake, just kill it. Don't appoint a committee on snakes. | Ross Perot | Unknown | Committees |
THERE IS NO SUCH TH | 72 | There is no such thing as a small enemy. | Anon | Unknown | Enemies |
A SUNNY DAY IN ENGL | 73 | A sunny day in England is rarer than rocking horse manure. | Anon | Unknown | England |
A SONG FOR ENGLAND | 74 | A Song for England An'a so de rain a-fall/An'a so de snow a'rain/An'a so the fog a-fall/An'a so the sun a-fail/An'so the seasons mix/An'so de bag of tricks/But a so me understand/De misery o'de Englishman. | Andrew Salker | Unknown | England |
A MAN CUT OFF FROM | 75 | A man cut off from his family has lost the staff of life. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Family |
DO YOU THINK YOU CA | 76 | Do you think you can change the universe and improve upon it?
I do not think it can be done.
The universe is sacred.
You cannot improve upon it.
If you try to change it, you will ruin it.
If you try to hold it, you will lose it.
So sometimes one is ahead and sometimes behind.
Sometimes one is weak and sometimes strong.
Sometimes breathing comes easily, and sometimes it is difficult.
Therefore the sage avoids extremes, excesses, and complacency. | Lao Tse | Tao Te Ching | Fate |
Out of the night which covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For mine unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of curcumstance
I have not winced, nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this vale of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid
It matters not how straight the gate
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the Master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul. | William Ernest Henley | Invictus | Fate |
L'HOMME PROPOSE ET | 78 | L'homme propose, et Dieu dispose. | French proverb | Unknown | Fate |
MAN IS PARTIAL; FAT | 79 | Man is partial; Fate is not. | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Unknown | Fate |
IN A WORLD WHERE NO | 80 | In a world where normal can turn to strange, the only constant thing is change. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Change |
WE ARE NOT PERMITTE | 81 | We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny; but what we put into it is ours. | Dag Hammerskjold | Unknown | Fate |
WHAT CANNOT BE AVOI | 82 | What cannot be avoided, must be welcomed. | William Boyd | Brazzaville Beach | Fate |
WANT TO MAKE GOD LA | 83 | Want to make God laugh? Tell him your plans for the future. | Woody Allen | Unknown | Fate |
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL | 84 | The most beautiful idea on the face of the earth is the belief the child has that his father knows everything. | Jack Kerouac | The Town and the City | Fathers |
FICTION ACTS AS A S | 85 | Fiction acts as a sluice; it's the waste matter from one's mind. | Jonathan Meades | Unknown | Fiction |
TRUTH IS STRANGER T | 86 | Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't. | Mark Twain | Unknown | Fiction |
THERE IS NOTHING SA | 87 | There is nothing sadder than the child whose happy home has been made desolate by the foolishness of adults. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Folly |
DEL AGUA MANSA DIOS | 88 | Del agua mansa Dios me libre
Del agua brava me librare yo.
From still waters God deliver me
From rough waters I can save myself. | Anon | Unknown | God |
TO BE WITHOUT GOD I | 89 | To be without God is to lose man's great source of consolation and coherence. | Peggy Noonan | Forbes Magazine | God |
YOU ARE NEVER DEDIC | 90 | You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in. | Robert Pirsig | Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance | Belief |
THE WORDS RANG SO T | 91 | The words rang so true: What is good about goodbye? What is fair about farewell? | Ann Rowe | Neo Labos Dance Project | Goodbyes |
I DON'T MAKE JOKES. | 92 | I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. | Will Rogers | Unknown | Government |
DON'T CALL YOURSELF | 93 | Don't call yourself happy until you are propped up dead in dry shoes and socks. | Reynolds Price | The Tongues of Angels | Happiness |
HE WHO CATCHETH JOY | 94 | He who catcheth joy as it flies
Learns to live in eternity's sunrise
But he who doth bend to himself a joy
Doth the winged life destroy. | William Blake | Unknown | Happiness |
HE WHO LIVES ON HOP | 95 | He who lives on hope will die f**** | Benjamin Franklin | Poor Richard's Almanac | Hope |
IF YOUR HORSE DIES | 196 | If your horse dies, we suggest you dismount. | Pete Petersen | Unknown | Failure |
THE PASSIONS OF THE | 197 | The passions of the young are the vices of the old. | Joseph Joubert | Unknown | Youth |
WE WERE HIRING PEOP | 198 | We were hiring people to read reports of the people who had been hired to write reports. | Jack Welch | Chairman of GE | Inefficiency |
THERE IS A FINE LIN | 199 | There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore looking like an idiot. | Steven Wright | Unknown | Fishing |
CA NE SERT A RIEN D | 200 | Ca ne sert a rien de tirer sur une ambulance. | French General | Unknown | Insensitivity |
NO MATTER WHAT ANYO | 101 | No matter what anyone says, what the excuse or explanation, whatever a person does in the end is what he intended to do all along. | Cus D'Amato | Unknown | Human Nature |
OUT OF THE CROOKED | 102 | Out of the crooked timber of humanity No straight thing was ever made. | Immanuel Kant | Unknown | Human Nature |
PEOPLE WHO ARE BORN | 103 | People who are born round don't die square. | Cus D'Amato | Unknown | Human Nature |
THERE IS NO MAN SO | 104 | There is no man so dangerous as a disillusioned idealist. | Goethe | Unknown | Human Nature |
THREE CAN KEEP A SE | 105 | Three can keep a secret if two are dead. | Samuel Johnson | Unknown | Human Nature |
WHAT LIES BEHIND US | 106 | What lies behind us, and what lies before us Are tiny matters compared with what lies within us. | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Unknown | Human Nature |
GOOD BETTER BEST NE | 107 | Good Better Best Never let it rest Until your good is better and your better best. | Mrs. Finnegan | Jamie Fee's 7th Grade Teacher | Improvement |
IN THE MIDDLE OF TH | 108 | In the middle of the desert, an oasis. In the middle of a sentence, a verb. In an ocean of conformity, an island of rebellion. | J.Peterman | Catalogue | Individuality |
THE MILLS OF GOD GR | 109 | The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine. | Anon | Unknown | Justice |
SAVOUR KINDNESS BEC | 110 | Savour kindness, because cruelty is always possible later. | Jamie Fee | Letter | Kindness |
A LEADER TELLS PEOP | 111 | A leader tells people not where they want to go, but where they ought to go. | Edmund Burke | Unknown | Leadership |
ON NE REGNE SUR LES | 112 | On ne regne sur les ames que par le calme. | Winston Churchill | History of WWII Vol 4 | Leadership |
ONE MAN WITH COURAG | 113 | One man with courage is a majority. | Andrew Jackson | Unknown | Leadership |
PAIN IS THE ART ENT | 114 | Pain is the art entering the apprentice. | French proverb | Unknown | Learning |
A RUT IS ONLY A GRA | 115 | A rut is only a grave with the ends knocked out. | Texan proverb | Unknown | Life |
ALL THINGS IN LIFE | 116 | All things in life are purchased at the price of experience. | Peter Ackroyd | Unknown | Life |
AS YOU RAMBLE ON TH | 117 | As you ramble on through life, brother
Whatever be your goal
Keep your eye upon the doughnut
And not upon the hole. | William Safire | Unknown | Life |
DID YOU KNOW THAT I | 118 | Did you know that IF are the two middle letters in LIFE? | Dennis Hopper | Apocalypse Now | Life |
I LONG FOR SCENES W | 119 | I long for scenes where man has never trod
A place where woman never smiled or wept
There to abide with my creator God
And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept
Untroubling and untroubled where I lie
The grass below-above the vaulted sky. | John Clare | Unknown | God |
I LEARN IN MY LIFE | 120 | I learn in my life you are going very slowly up and can go very fast down. | Petr Korda | Unknown | Life |
I'M TIRED JOEY-BOY | 121 | I'm tired Joey-boy
While you're out with the sheep
My life is so troubled
That I can't get to sleep
I would walk myself out
But the streets are so dark
I shall wait til the morning
And walk in the park
Cause life is so simple
When one is at home
And I'm never complaining
Where there's work to be done
Oh I'm tired Joey-boy
Of the makings of men
I would like to be cheerful again
Ambition will take you and ride you too far
And conservatism bring you to boredom once more
Sit down by the river and watch the stream flow
Recall all the dreams that you once used to know
Things you've forgotten that took you away
To pastures not greener but meaner
Love that is simple is all that I need
I've no time for schism or lovers of greed
Go up to the mount then
Go up to the glen
Where silence will touch you
And heartbreak will mend. | Van Morrison | I'm tired Joey-Boy | Life |
THE HEART HAS REASO | 122 | The heart has reason that reason knows nothing of. | Pascal | Unknown | Love |
THE HONEY GOES WHEN | 123 | The honey goes when the money goes. | Ann Brady | Unknown | Love |
THE LOVE WE HOLD BA | 124 | The love we hold back in this life is the pain we carry into the next. | Richard Dreyfus | Always (movie) | Love |
THIS KISS WHICH NE' | 125 | This kiss which ne'er these lips shall pass
Endures as proof that dreams may last
These lines which keep us both apart
Draw boundaries round a yearning heart
These feelings mix with cold deceit
Sweet fear and longing when we meet
This badge of loyalty I wear
Protects us both from love unfair
This chasm which I'll never cross
Prevents us taking gain or loss
These stairs will never take me higher
Than here - this purgatory of desire. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Desire |
TONIGHT I CAN WRITE | 126 | Tonight I can write the saddest lines Write for example: "The night is shattered and blue stars shiver in the distance. The night wind revolves in the sky and sings Tonight I can write the saddest lines I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too. / Esta noche puedo escribir los versos mas tristes Escribir por ejemplo: La noche esta estrellada y tiritan azules los astros a la lejos.
Puedo escribir los versos m�s tristes esta noche.
Escribir, por ejemplo: "La noche est� estrellada,
y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos."
El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta.
Puedo escribir los versos m�s tristes esta noche.
Yo la quise, y a veces ella tambi_n me quiso.
En las noches como esta la tuve entre mis brazos.
La bes_ tantas veces bajo el cielo infinito.
Ella me quiso, a veces yo tambi_n la quer�a.
C�mo no haber amado sus grandes ojos fijos.
Puedo escribir los versos m�s tristes esta noche.
Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido.
Oir la noche inmensa, m�s inmensa sin ella.
Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el roc�o.
Qu_ importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla.
La noche esta estrellada y ella no est� conmigo.
Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos.
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca.
Mi coraz�n la busca, y ella no est� conmigo.
La misma noche que hace blanquear los mismos �rboles.
Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero cu�nto la quise.
Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su o�do.
De otro. Ser� de otro. Como antes de mis besos.
Su voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero.
Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.
Porque en noches como esta la tuve entre mis brazos,
mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Aunque este sea el ultimo dolor que ella me causa,
y estos sean los ultimos versos que yo le escribo. | Pablo Neruda | Unknown | Love |
WHEN THE MONEY GOES | 127 | When the money goes, love flies out the window. | Ruth Hanson | Tom Pyle | Love |
IT IS NECESSARY TO | 128 | It is necessary to be reasonable in one's madness. | Skier about to go down Everest | Unknown | Daring |
FIENT DU CHIEN ET M | 129 | Fient du chien et marc d'argent; Ils seront tout un au jour du jugement. (A dog's t*** and a silver coin will be the same on the judgement day) | Benjamin Franklin | Poor Richard's Almanac | Materialism |
IF I OWN A COW IT M | 130 | If I own a cow, it milks me. | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Unknown | Materialism |
LIFE IS NOT ABOUT A | 131 | Life is not about addition but multiplication. And if you multiply one hundred expensive things times the zero that's inside of you, you still end up with zero. | Mariko Fujiwara | FORTUNE magazine | Materialism |
SIMPLIFYSIMPLIFYSI� | 132 | Simplify,simplify,simplify. | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Unknown | Materialism |
MEMORIES ARE OUR SO | 133 | Memories are our souvenirs from a lifetime of forgetfulness. | Eric Hansen | Motoring with Muhammed | Memories |
A MAN'S REAL POSSES | 134 | A man's real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor. | Alexander Smith | Unknown | Memories |
A MAN'S MIND IS LIK | 135 | A man's mind is like a fourteen room house. In his bedroom he's with his intelligent wife, in the living room he's on the floor with some bare-***** girl, in the library he's paying his taxes, in the garden he's growing his tomatoes, and down in the basement he's thinking of ways to blow the whole place up. | Arthur Miller | Unknown | Men |
SO FEW MEN HAVE EYE | 136 | So few men have eyes for anything except the profit margin and is the lawn mowed. | Alan Gurganus | Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All | Men |
YOU DON'T GET WHAT | 137 | You don't get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate. | Nigel Bennett | Oral | Merit |
A MAN WITH A BRIEFC | 138 | A man with a briefcase can steal a lot more than a man with a gun. | Don Henley | The End of the Innocence (album) | Money |
MONEY IS A GOOD SER | 139 | Money is a good servant or a harsh master. | A rabbi | Unknown | Money |
MONEY IS LIKE SLEEP | 140 | Money is like sleep. You don't need six hours or seven hours or eight hours. All you need is five minutes more. | Nigel Bennett | Himself | Money |
WHEN THE HORSE DIES | 141 | When the horse dies in the street, the oats no longer pass through to the sparrows. | John Kenneth Galbraith | Unknown | Money |
WE NO LONGER HAVE I | 142 | We no longer have ideals. We manage only our interests. The consequences of this are self evident. | Bettino Craxi | Himself | Morals |
THERE IS NO POINT I | 143 | There is no point in doing anything that is not in your heart's hunger. | Reynolds Price | The Tongue of Angels | Motivation |
THE BEE FERTILISES | 144 | The bee fertilises the flower it robs. | Anon | The Bible | Nature |
INTO MY HEART AN AI | 145 | Into my heart an air that kills From yon far country blows What are those blue remembered hills? What farms?What spires are those? This is the land of lost content. I see it shining plain. Those happy highways where I went And cannot come again. | A.E. Houseman | A Shropshire Lad | Youth |
HE WHO CHEATS WITH | 247 | He who cheats with an oath acknowledges that he is afraid of his enemy but thinks little of God. | Plutarch | Unknown | Cheating |
BILL CLINTON SAYS H | 248 | Bill Clinton says he has created 11 million jobs since he became President. Sure he has. And I have four of them. | A police officer | Gavin Esler-The United States of Anger | Bill Clinton |
IT IS NOT GIVEN TO | 249 | It is not given to many Presidents to spend TWO world empires to decline. | Garry Wills | Unknown | Reagan |
IT IS NOT THE QUALI | 250 | It is not the quality of the faith which is important; it is the quality of the doubt. | T.S.Eliot | Unknown | Faith |
THERE IS NO POINT I | 251 | There is no point in voting because no matter what you do, the government gets elected. | Gavin Esler | The United States of Anger | Politics |
TELL 'EM WHAT YOUR | 151 | Tell 'em what your going to tell 'em. Tell'em. Then tell'em what you told them. | Anon | Unknown | Pulbic Speaking |
PUBLICITY IS LIKE P | 152 | Publicity is like poison; it won't hurt you if you don't swallow it. | Joe Paterno | Press Conference | Publicity |
THERE IS HARDLY ANY | 153 | There is hardly any grief that an hour's reading will not dissipate. | Montesquieu | Unknown | Reading |
REVENGE IS A DISH B | 154 | Revenge is a dish best eaten cold. | Paul Theroux | The Happy Islands of Oceania | Revenge |
LOOK AT THE SPIRIT | 155 | Look at the spirit there
Lying, a dying ember
Where words have crushed it out like jackboots.
Or a whip, perhaps
Twisting pain around a pole
Or a taper
Gasp! Another day has lit the soul
To stumble, down and up, and out
To something,
Or just to darkness. | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Pain |
HYPROCISY IS THE HO | 156 | Hyprocisy is the homage vice pays to virtue. | Edmund White | Unknown | Truth |
EVERY NOW AND THEN | 157 | Every now and then there comes a time and place where a man has to plant his feet, stand firm, and make a point about who he is and what he believes in-- and kick some ass. | Pat Riley | Miami Heat basketball coach | Values |
A LITTLE SLEEP A LI | 158 | A little sleep, a little slumber
A little folding of your hands to rest
Then your poverty will come as a robber,
And your want like an armed man. | Anon | The Bible | Vigilence |
THE COVERS OF THIS | 159 | The covers of this book are too far apart. | Ambrose Bierce | Unknown | Wordiness |
WE LIVE IN A STRANG | 160 | We live in a strange world which shows very little of itself on the surface. | Robertson Davies | The Manticore | The World |
WHEN YOU DO ALL THE | 161 | When you do all the talking, you only learn what you already know. | Anon | Unknown | Self |
IT IS BETTER TO BE | 162 | It is better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not. | Andre Gide | Unknown | Self |
RESIST IN ALL CIRC | 163 | Resist , in all circumstances. Be yourself, at all costs. | Charles de Gaulle | Unknown | Self |
SOMETIMES I PLAY TH | 164 | Sometimes I play that I catch up with myself. I run with what I was And with what I will be In the race of what I am. And sometimes I play that I pass myself Then maybe I run in the race of what I'm not. But there's still another race In which I'll play that I am overtaken And that will be the real one. | Jamie Fee | Jamie Fee | Self |
THOSE WHO BLOW THEI | 165 | Those who blow their own horn will soon be playing solo. | Benjamin Franklin | Poor Richard's Almanac | Self |
IF YOU WANT TO S*** | 166 | If you want to s*** like an elephant, you can't eat like a bird. | Keat Foo | Paribas Trader | Risk |
I THINK THAT AT THI | 167 | I think that at this moment Maybe nobody in the universe is thinking about me. I am the only one who is thinking me And if I were to die now, Nobody, not even I, would think me. And this is where the abyss begins, As when I go to sleep. I'm my own support and I take it away from me. I help to curtain everything with absence. That may be why, when you think of someone It's like saving them. | Jamie Fee | Jamie Fee | Self |
There's a place at the center that everyone knows
At the end of a valley where no one else goes
Where the rage of the battle meets the eye of the storm
Where the sole thing that matters is substance not form
It's a place where the heart and the mind mold as one
Where deep thoughts and deep feelings wage a battle hard won
O'er frustration and anger and things left undone
And the failures of self from which no one can run
And in order to reach there and to pick up the fight
And to win, not for victory, but for that which is right
One must follow a path which is narrow and straight
And not waver, nor falter, nor tarry, nor wait
And ignoring confusion and man's misguided pride
Take the only course open, and that is: DECIDE.
30 March 1994 | Eric Pettigrew | DEP | Decision |
IF YOU SHOULD BUT D | 169 | If you should but decide to climb that peak towering to the heavens, you will find there is a pathway to its very summit. | Anon | Shinto shrine | Decision |
YOU WILL DO FOOLISH | 170 | You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm. | Colette | Unknown | Youth |
VEN DER PUTZ SHTEHT | 171 | Ven der putz shteht,licht der sechel in drerd. (Yiddish for When the P**** stands up, the brain gets buried in the ground.) | Nigel Watt | We All Live in a House Called Innocence | Sex |
WHAT COMPLICATES LI | 172 | What complicates life is having to make choices. | Peter Hoeg | Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Life |
WHEN SOUNDS ARE REP | 173 | When sounds are repeated often enough, they become silence. | Peter Hoeg | Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow | Silence |
NO ONE PLANS TO FAI | 174 | No one plans to fail, they just fail to plan. | Anon | Unknown | Failure |
ALL I KNOW I KNOW I | 175 | All I know I know is I've got a bottom and it has a crack in it. | Richard Page | Sayings of the Wise One | Knowledge |
YOU HAVE A MOTOR MO | 176 | You have a motor mouth which doesn't engage your brain. | Anon | Unknown | Thoughtlessness |
FOR EVERY TROUBLE U | 177 | For every trouble under the sun/ There be remedy, or there be none/ If there be one, try to find it/ If there be none, never mind it. | Anon | Unknown | Trouble |
BE TRUE TO THE DREA | 178 | Be true to the dreams of your youth. | Herman Melville | Moby Dick | Truth |
FOLLOW TRUTH TOO CL | 179 | Follow truth too close by the heels, it kicks you in the teeth. | Robert Stone | Outerbridge Reach | Truth |
HALF A PIECE OF BRE | 180 | Half a piece of bread is half a piece of bread, but Half the truth is a lie. | Russian proverb | Unknown | Truth |
THERE ARE TWO NATUR | 181 | There are two natural classes of predators in this country; the very poor, by circumstance, and the very rich, by training. | Daniel Keys Moran | Unknown | The Rich |
YOU CAN THROW A STI | 182 | You can throw a stick in the river, but it will not become a fish. | Fatoumata | Guinean Woman | Reality |
LIFE IS ON THE WIRE | 183 | Life is on the wire. All the rest is just waiting. | Karl Wallenda | Tightrope walker | Life |
THE DEFINITION OF I | 184 | The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over in the belief that somehow the result will be different. | Anon | Unknown | Insanity |
FISHING IS A JERK S | 185 | Fishing is a jerk standing at one end of the line waiting for another jerk at the other end. | Anon | Unknown | Fishing |
L'ARGENT N'A PAS D' | 186 | L'argent n'a pas d'odeur. | French proverb | Unknown | Money |
YOU CAN LEARN EVERY | 187 | You can learn everything in solitude but character. | Stendhal | Unknown | Character |
IF YOU ARE GOING TO | 188 | If you are going to have brain surgery, would you rather hire a brain surgeon, or a proctologist at half price who wants to learn? | Stephen Wolfe | Unknown | Expertise |
SHIP ME SOMEWHERE E | 189 | Ship me somewhere east of Suez
Where the best is like the worst
Where there are no Ten commandments
And a man can raise a thirst. | Rudyard Kipling | Unknown | The Orient |
A WOMAN'S GREATEST | 190 | A woman's greatest weapon is a man's imagination. | Tempest Storm | Unknown | Men/Women |
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